Professor Dr Leonardo Valenti
- 1981 Bachelor in Agricultural Sciences in Milan University.
- 1984-86 Chair in the scholarship “Researches on the Versa Valley Pinot Nero quality factors and their influence on the spumantizzazione (sparkling) processes” and acting as attaché of the Milan Studies University Institute of Arboreal Cultivations department.
- 1987 Winner of the University Researchers competition at the Institute of Arboreal Cultivations of the Milan University Faculty of Agrarian.
- 1992/1995: co-ordinator of all the technical and scientific activities at the Center for the Viticulture, Fruit and Cereal cultures Improvement (C.I.Vi.Fru.Ce.) of Voghera (PV) Lombardy County and acting under mandate to research and experiment all technical aspects and working methods applied in Viticulture and Oenology.
- 1993 – to date: member of the Milan Agricultural Faculty Course for the achievement of Bachelor in Agrarian Sciences Council
- 1994 – to date: Appointment of the title of Master of Wine by the Italian Ministry of the Alimentary, Forest and Agricultural Resources.
- 1996-1999: representative of the Milan Agricultural Faculty Research Council
- 2001 to date: Member of the Council of the Department of Vegetable Production as Researchers representative
Research activity and accomplishments
Genetic improvement: assessment and selection of Italian vines clones and their ranking in function of their adaptability index to the atmosphere.
Vine stocks analysis and selection to determine their productivity grade under supply of different mineral elements.
Early Pear-tree seeds screening, analysis and performance assessment of the wood and its use in furniture factories.
Agronomic techniques: Management of the soil in viticulture, vineyard density system applied in farming, various methodology of breeding in vine-training.
Ecology and vineyard production, mechanization of the vines pruning.
Management and optimization of the water regimes (irrigation) in the vineyard.
Ampelography (Researching the vines varieties) and their classification applying the taxonomic differentiation principles, the chemotassonomia and molecular techniques.
Study and research for the recovery and the re-establishment of the old Italian vines varieties.
Assessment and measurement of the main native Italians vitis poly-phenol content, the grape asset.
Ecology: Analysis and measurement of the vine adaptability to the environment, pollution and climatic changes through the activity and reaction of its poly-phenols components, and only for sparkling wines, through the content of its nitrogenized compounds.
Vine nursery technique: Propagation of Pear tree from wood.
Other research fields and assets
• The endogenous hormones effects and influence on the maturation and development of the fruit in Actinidia;
• Genetic and cultural Control on the development of the buds in vines;
• Graft Role in the productive natural ranking determination factors of the Vine;
• Effects of the thinning of the clusters on the maturation of the grape and the quality of the wine;
• Recovery, conservation and rehabilitation of the native indigenous vines;
• Soil management targeted to measure the qualitative-quantitative performances of the vineyard;
• Characterization of the wild varieties (Vitis v.silvestris) and comparison with the modern vines training applying the antocianic profile;
• Study of the techniques of rooting and inoculation with attinomiceti in Camelia ssp
• Relationships between events grandigeni and agronomic possibilities in order to limit the damages
• Relationships between the Ecological approach and the qualitative - quantitative methodology implemented to produce high performances of the Vine
Published as author and co-author of books regarding genetic choices ( Graft Variety) and agricultural technique applied to the viticulture.
Educational activity and engagement
• as master and teacher has offered his knowledge and experience to numerous students for their preparation of the bachelor theses.
• as classroom and laboratory practitioner during general Arboriculture, special Arboriculture, Arboreal Cultivations, Fruits culture and Viticulture courses.
• It has carried out tutorial activity for numerous practical-applied trainings.
• Researcher and Supporting the “Biology and productivity of vegetation and cultivated plant” Research Doctorates (IV and V Cycle).
• Supervisor of 46 theses of Bachelor treating viticulture and oenology.
• Co-Supervisor of 35 theses of Bachelor treating the viticulture and oenology subjects.
• Professor at the international Course of structured Ampelografia hosted by the Agrarian Institute of Saint Michele d’ Adige and from the O.I.V. (Office International de Vines ET du Vin) held at the Saint Michele d’ Adige Institute, 1-5 July 1991
• Academic Years 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98,chairing the Plants Nursery Technique Course attached to the Faculty of Agrarian of the University of Milan.
• Academic Years 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2000-2001 chairing the Course of Viticulture “Biology and physiology of the arboreal plants” University Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology as attaché of the Milan University Faculty of Agrarian.
• Academic Year 2000-2001 chairing the Course of “Acquaintances of life-wine system” I and II for the Course of Bachelor in Viticulture and Oenology/near the Faculty of Agrarian of the University of the Studies of Milan.
• Academic Year 2001-2002 chairing the Course of “Viticulture II, farming Technique” Bachelor in Viticulture and Oenology near the Faculty of Agrarian of the University of Milan and Voghera-Pavia.
Publications and cooperation with reviews and specialized magazines
• member of the technical Committee of the Vignevini (Edagricole).
• member of the Committee of “the Gallini and published Agriculture” magazine edited by the Center for the viticulture, fruit and cereals faming improvement (C.I.Vi.Fru.Ce.) of Voghera (PV) - Lombardy County.
• member of the scientific Committee of “Vines d `Oltrepò” regional publication targeted to divulgate knowledge and technical information to vine farmers.
• Coordinator with Maggiore T., C. Intrieri, of the “Special use of the green and grass between the vine plants lines” in n° 38 (1999) and n° 2 (2000) of the Agrarian Informer.
• Coordinator with To. Science of the publication “Ancient vineyard of Lombardy, local ampelografia of germoplasma” published by the Grafia of Pavia study
• Scientific Supervisor of the publication “Enterprise, Saperi, Territory: 18 years of search and innovation in the Arnaldo Caprai. Editions Arnaldo Caprai (2007)
Publications / articles
Author and co-author of 135 scientific, divulgating and technical Publications.
Active Participation in scientific Societies and Associations
• 1984 to date: Association of the Agrarian and Forest Sciences Milan Professors
• 1986 Italian Orticola Society section Fruit farming: March 2000 attendance and participation as member of the organizing committee, V Scientific Days S.O.I.
• 1994 Association Enologi Enotecnici Italiani, and from 1996 elected member of the Lombardy and Liguria directive Council Section, and Vice President of the same from 1996 to 1999
• 1997 Appointed the title of Academic by the Italian Academy of the Vine and the Wine
• Member of the Work group “Inerbimento of the Vineyard” of the Italian Academy of the Vine and the Wine
• Member of the international Work group “Inerbimento in viticulture” (Internationaler Arbeitskreis Begrunung im Weinbau).
• Member of the Agricultural Permanent National Technical and Scientific Conference Committee.
Conference Participation and conventions
Speaker and guest in hundreds of conferences, scientific conventions and seminaries.
Milan, August 2007
2007 - TBA