Professor Svetlana Trofimova MD PhD
Saint Petersburg Institute of bioregulation and gerontology of the North-Western branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
A graduate from the St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia), department of eye diseases, in 1995. For the last 15 years she has been working in the field of peptide regulation of ageing, as well as experimental and clinical research of peptide bioregulators. Currently, she is one of the leading specialist in peptide bioregulating and anti-ageing medicine in Russia. Since 2009 she is a Deputy Director on clinical research of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology. Prof. Trofimova is an author of more than 130 scientific publications and 5 patents. Her main interests in the field of science are related to peptide regulation of ageing, as well as to the design, experimental and clinical study of peptide bioregulators, anti-ageing ophthalmology and retinal pathology.
2012 - Reversing Eye Aging: Application of Peptides for Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment
Every year the number of people suffering from different eye diseases is ever growing. It is known that human eye, and in particular human retina, ages faster than the organism in general. Thus, maintenance of visual functions and therefore increase of the quality of life of the patients, are always among priorities in ophthalmology. In last five years we’ve examined and treated with peptide bioregulators 1659 patients suffering from different retinal dystrophic disorder, including 625 with macular degeneration, 819 with diabetic retinopathy and 215 with retinitis pigmentosa. All of them were administered with peptide bioregulators of the retina, peptide of the brain and peptide of the vessels in different combinations depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment with peptide bioregulators contributed to the enhancement of visual functions in 70% of cases. In more than 45% of cases we registered an increase in the visual acuity, while the results of the computer perimetry evidenced 2.5-fold decrease in the number of absolute and relative scotomas. In 85% of cases we registered an increase of the retinal functional activity and in 78% of cases – improvement of the retinal blood flow. Showing a pronounced antioxidant effect, peptide preparations contributed to the normalization of the antiradical activity of blood of all patients.
Thus, peptide bioregulators not only stop progressing of the pathologic process in most of the cases, but also enhance visual functions. Our experience of application of the retinal peptide bioregulators evidences their being highly effective in case of intake on regular basis.