James Stoxen DC
President, Team Doctors, Chiropractic
Treatment and Training Center
Dr James Stoxen, D.C., owns and operates Team Doctors Chiropractic Treatment
and Training Center. Dr Stoxen is known worldwide for his "on site"
work assigned to numerous world famous athletes. In 2004 alone he was
on assignment with over 150 national, world champion or professional
athletes as well as top entertainers and Broadway performers.
He has chaired medical committees for numerous
international sports organizations and has been a chiropractor for over
70 national and world championships in Algeria, England, USSR, Canada,
Italy and other countries. In 1989, Dr. Stoxen developed and organized
the first sports medicine course for western doctors at the famed National
Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences in Moscow USSR for
the FICS with leading experts of that country
Dr Stoxen has developed very unique non-surgical approach to treating
patients who suffer from severe acute and chronic back conditions that
normally would have gone to surgery. Dr Stoxen has given over 1000 live
presentations all over the world on his unique approach to treatment
This unique treatment approach based on the treatment of “foot
pronation” has received worldwide attension in the medical field.
He has been asked to introduce this pronation based treatment to medical
physicians at in Las Vegas, Moscow USSR, Bangkok Thailand, Mexico City
Mexico, Atlanta, Georgia, London, England, Dubai, UAE and Bali Indonesia
this year alone, a request not normally asked of a chiropractor. He
has appeared on numerous television and radio specials and news programs
such as on CBS, NBC, ABC and cable news.
Dr. Stoxen is an avid writer and author.
He was appointed a member of the editorial advisory board for Muscle
And Fitness magazine, American Fitness Quarterly and BE Fitness Magazine.
He has written and published numerous articles and textbook chapters
for other international publications too numerous to list and is working
on his first book to come out in 2005 Pronation Syndrome and Principle
Cause of Lower Back Pain.
Biomechanics – Excessive
Pronation Syndrome
Because the feet are the very foundation
from which all other joints align, it is easy to understand why even
subtle faulty biomechanics of the lower extremities – principally,
I maintain, excessive pronation of the feet – can cause a domino
effect of stresses and strains on every joint of the body, literally
from toe to head. This in turn will predispose a patient to an acceleration
of the aging process that can include advanced arthritis, and can affect
myriad muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. What this means is that
treatment of a great number of musculoskeletal problems is simply not
complete unless the practitioner has considered faulty biomechanics
of the feet, ankles and lower leg as the root cause. In many cases where
medicine is prescribed to cover pain, where conservative management
of heel spurs, chodromalacia patella, hip pain lower back pain, herniated
discs that do not improve, failed back syndrome and other conditions
related to excessive pronation of the feet, the practitioner has not
looked at lower-extremity biomechanics.