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AACL 2008 Speaker

O'MahonyMalti O'Mahony
Boston Aesthetics Clinic (UK) Ltd.. Aesthetic Practitioner / Mesotherapy Specialist. A diploma in nursing and bachelor of science from the University of Manchester. Studied Mesotherapy with Dr. Ordiz in Spain and Dr. Le Coz in France. Studied "Advanced course" by the International Society of Mesotherapy in France.

WORKSHOP 2008 - Mesotherapy for the Treatment of Cellulite

Mesotherapy was originally pioneered by the French physician, Dr. Michel Pistor. Since its introduction, it has gained widespread attention for the treatment of medical conditions and more recently, for cosmetic purposes.

Mesotherapy is the practice of using microinjections of approved medications and/or vitamins into the mesoderm or middle layer of skin where the adipose tissue is located to deliver healing or corrective treatment to a specific area of the body. The medications used perform unique functions that make the procedure so effective. 

The medical term for cellulite is Dermatomyoliposclerosis (DMLS). It is common for post-pubescent females display some degree of cellulite. There appears to be a hormonal component to its presentation. Another factors playing part are mechanical, metabolic, heredity, sedentary lifestyle…Cellulite results from a combination of fatty tissue and water retention and is not exclusively a female problem. In women, fat cells on the lower part of the body store fat six times more readily than those on the upper body. They also release them six times less readily. Cellulite commonly appears on the hips, buttocks and legs. Cellulite appears in the subcutaneous level of skin tissue. Fat cells are arranged in chambers surrounded by connective tissue called septae. As water is retained, fat cells held within the perimeters of this area expand and stretch the connective tissue. Eventually this connective tissue contracts and hardens (sclerosis) holding the skin at a non-flexible length, while surrounding tissue continues to expand with weight or water gain. This result in areas of the skin being held down while other sections bulge outwards, resulting in the lumpy appearance.

There are four main therapeutic groups of medicine (vasodilators, lypolytics, cellulitics and toners) you can use. At our clinic we use a mixture of Silico Organico, Triac, L-Carnitine, Lipoliticus and Procaine.

The action mechanism of each component is as follow:

Silico Organico

  • A metalloid which intervenes in the structures of mineral and organic compounds.
  • The silanoles increase the intradepository concentration of cAMP, making possible the lipolisis and hydrolysis.
  • Also functions as a cross-linking agent, providing strength, flexibility and resilience to collagen and elastin connective tissues.
  • They do not disturb the cellular metabolism.
  • Silico Organico is one of the most widely used medications in Mesotherapy.


  • Belongs to the lipolytic group of medication and has thyroid hormone activity.
  • Adverse reactions in Mesotherapy have not been noted, mainly because of the low dosages injected.
  • Main ingredient in treatment of fat
  • Excellent fat burner when injected
  • The greater part suffers a complex transformation before elimination.
  • Eliminated without modification.


  • Is used by the body to transport long chain fatty acids to the mitochondria in your cells, where they are burned for energy.
  • It is the amino acid responsible for the transport of fats in the body.
  • It is synthesized in tissues and is an essential co-factor of acid metabolism of lipids.
  • Used to treat cellulite and weight loss and will help metabolize stored fats into energy during physical activity.


  • Purified extract of the juice of fresh artichoke leaves
  • Well known in Mesotherapy, proposed by Bartoletti in 1971 for treating cellulite
  • Mild diuretic and detoxifying role
  • Antitoxic function of the liver
  • Action on the metabolism of cholesterol
  • Increases the renal flow (flavonoids, potassium and magnesium salts, short chain organic acids)
  • Renal elimination of water.


  • Well-known as a safe and non-toxic local anaesthetic
  • Procaine is sometimes called “King of medicine” because of its amazing properties and ability to restore normal functioning to damaged tissue.
  • The Procaine used in Mesotherapy comes in the form of 1% or 2% Procaine hydrochloride, with a molecular weight of 272.8 and a pH of between 5 and 6.
  • In Mesotherapy helps enhance the absorption of other drugs injected with Procaine.

Treatment may be carried out immediately after an initial consultation at which point the patient will be informed as to how many treatments they will require. Mesotherapy is performed once or twice a week over a period of 4 or 8 weeks. When the desired effects are achieved, annual maintenance is required over a
4 – 6 weeks period. The technique we use is predominantly intradermal 4 – 10 mm deep with spacing 2 – 3 cm under permanent visual control performed at an angle of 30 – 45 degrees. It is also recommended to apply a concomitant light constant pressure on the syringe piston with the other hand applying and withholding pressure.

Initiation of Mesotherapy maintains physiological changes in microcirculation, in connective oedematous and fibrous tissue. It contributes to improvement of venous and lymphatic drainage by increasing metabolism of the injected area. Mesotherapy has an excellent acceptability with minimal risk. Medication is excreted by kidneys and bowel. Therefore, very little, if any medicine reaches the general circulation and in any case the level is so low that it has no effect on the rest of the body.

Mesotherapy offers several benefits for those looking for a non-invasive treatment for cellulite removal. Mesotherapy is virtually painless, there is no post-operative recovery time, no bandages needed, no anesthesia.

In addition, regular injections can improve the texture, tone and appearance of skin. It also helps to initiate weight loss and is a general “pick-me-up”. It has proven to be one of the most successful treatments on offer at the Boston Aesthetics Clinic (UK) Ltd. in terms of outcome and patient satisfaction.


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