Dr Charmaine Jooste
Dr Charmaine Jooste is a medical practitioner with over 15 years experience in the field of preventative medicine and aesthetics. She is an international speaker and has been involved with inflammatory research for the past 6 years with Dr Barry Sears, Professor Giovanni Scapagnini and Dr Ricardo Pina from the Inflammation Research Foundation (USA) and Zone Academy Italy.
2016 - Diet-induced cellular ageing
Aging is the largest risk factor for most chronic diseases, which account for the majority of morbidity and health care expenditures in developed nations. New findings suggest that aging is a modifiable risk factor, and it may be feasible to delay age-related diseases as a group by modulating fundamental aging mechanisms. These pathways include telomere dysfunction in cellular senescence and induction of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in systemic aging, sirtuin family regulation of metabolism and aging-associated diseases, mitochondrial metabolism in aging, the progressive decline of the immune system with age with increased inflammation. We will explore how your diet is accelerating some of these pathways and how to introduce lifestyle modifications instead of drugs to institute a supported, healthy aging process.