Dr Eugenio Luigi Iorio MD PhD
President of Popular University of Lifestyle Medicine (Genova, Ascea, Italy) and International Observatory of Oxidative Stress (Salerno, Italy).
Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor in Biochemical Sciences (PhD), (post)-graduated in Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry (Specialist) currently is teacher at University Master “Clinical nutrition and metabolism”, University of Rome “La Sapienza” and president of both International Observatory of Oxidative stress (IOOS, Salerno, Italy) and Università Popolare “Medicina degli Stili di Vita – Lifestyle Medicine” (UP-LSM, Genova, Italy). The main goals of his activity is to translate into the clinical practice the basic knowledge on free radicals, antioxidants and polyunsatured fatty acids as the ancient modulating mechanism of all living functions and aging process, by using either the redoxomics and the lipidomics approach. From 1st August 2015 he is the unique Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology (EJAMED).
2015 - The New Frontiers of Molecular Medicine in Anti-Aging Medicine: Redoxomics and Lipidomics
Dr. Eugenio Luigi Iorio, MD, PhD. International Observatory of Oxidative Stress. Salerno, Italy.
Aging process is a multifactorial and multi-step process that can be triggered and/or accelerated by oxidative stress, an emerging health risk factor due to the unbalance between the production and the elimination of reactive oxygen- and nitrogen-centred species by antioxidant defences. Moreover aging is under the control of polyunsatured fatty acid pathway that play a relevant role in cell membrane and lipoprotein physiology and turnover. Luckily modern molecular diagnostics allows evaluate into the clinical practice both oxidative stress and fatty acid profile on behalf of the new redoxomics and lipidomics approach, respectively, even by starting from a few drops of capillary blood. The combining of redoxomics and lipidomics profiles is becoming a powerful tool to prevent early aging and to monitor in daily practice life-style changes as well as supplementation which are aimed to drive any people to a successful aging.