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AACL 2006 Speaker

Patrick Holford BSc DipION FBant
Founded the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) and the Brain Bio Centre.

Holford is a leading light in new approaches to health and nutrition. He is widely regarded as Britain’s best-selling author and leading spokesman on nutrition, food, environmental and health issues, hence being frequently quoted almost weekly in national newspapers from the Daily Mail to the Guardian. Patrick is also popular on radio shows and national television as a presenter, interviewer and guest.

He started his academic career in the field of psychology. While completing his bachelor degree in Experimental Psychology at the University of York he researched the role of nutrition in mental health and illness and later tested the effects of improved nutrition on children's IQ - an experiment that was the subject of Horizon documentary and published in the Lancet in 1988.

In 1984 Patrick founded the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION), a charitable and independent educational trust for the furtherance of education and research in nutrition, now the largest training school in the UK offering a degree-accredited training in nutritional therapy and widely respected as a leading edge organisation by professionals and media alike. Patrick was awarded an honorary Diploma from ION and is also an Honorary Fellow of BANT. (The British Association of Nutritional Therapists). In 2003 he founded the Brain Bio Centre at ION, a treatment centre pioneering the optimum nutrition approach for mental health.

Patrick is frequently involved in government campaigns and debates and has been invited to the House of Commons, House of Lords and the Food Standards Agency as an expert in optimum nutrition. In October 2004 he authored Britain’s largest ever health and diet survey (ONUK) comparing the health and diet of 37,000 people.

His knowledge, personality and enthusiasm, together with his strong scientific approach helps him to stimulate lively debates, simplifying complex issues and helping viewers to expand their understanding of health issues.

Patrick lectures and conducts workshops throughout the world on a wide range of topics, to the public and health professionals and the medical profession. In the UK he presents around 50 workshops and lectures a year.

2006 - 5 Proven Alzheimer's Prevention Steps
Only 1% of Alzheimer’s disease is caused by genes. The rest is caused by diet and lifestyle factors. Patrick Holford explores the five best prevention steps including improving methylation, phospholipids, essential brain fats, oxidation and anti-oxidants, glycation and glycemic load.
Goals and Objectives:

  1. A clear understand of how to screen for dementia risk
  2. An action plan to prevent/reverse risk
  3. Understanding of the dynamics that initiates Alzheimer’s disea

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BSAAM's Anti Ageing Conference London, 38 Regent on the River
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