Dr José Foglia
2014 Lecture: Meditation versus Stress. A view from the Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology
Neurophysiology of Mediation. An approach of its effects on human health. Creating a new culture from the view from the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology.
1- The psyche of Homo sapiens is seriously in danger. Anxiety, depression, conflicts, fears, insecurity, irritability, anger, have deleterius consecuenses in human health: Stress.
2- The human brain consists of two hemispheres to exchange their information with each other through a bridge: the corpus callosum. Both hemispheres process information very differently, create two different reality, have different capabilities, and one could say that each has its own personality.
3- Several cognitives capabilities were developed in the prefrontal lobes of Homo sapiens.
4- Technology today allows us to study the brain in differents states according to each circumstance.
5- Meditation: “Is an integrated response status” with his own specific and individual pattern.
6- The physiological effects of meditation on metabolism, respiration, the electrical resistence of the skin, the level of lactic acid in the blood, EEG mappping and the cardiovascular, endocrine and immunologic systems are exactly opposite to those identified by the the scientific research as a characteristic of the response to stress.
7- Improve the fonction in all the Systems: Immunologic (Natural Killer cells, etc.), Endocrine, Cardiovascular, Repiratory, and Cognitives capabilities. Health state improving increase with meditation.
8- Epigenetics effects. Neuroplasticity.
9- Meditation improve the focous of the attention.
10- Meditation isn’t a techinque. It is a natural process activating particular areas of the right hemisphere, silent the Phonological Loop, and manifestating EEG coherence.