Ms Gilian Crowther
MA (Oxon), ND/NT, mBANT, CNHC reg, mRSM
Naturopath/Nutritional Therapist
AONM Scientific Coordinator
Gilian Crowther MA (Oxon), mBANT, mNNA, CHNC reg. is a Naturopath and registered
Nutritional Therapist who studied complementary therapy in Germany for many years
before completing her training in the UK. She specialises in a mitochondrial approach that
she encountered while in Germany called Cell Symbiosis Therapy (CST), and practises this
within the Academy of Nutritional Medicine (AONM), a large network of doctors and
complementary therapists with a clinic in London. She also holds training courses and
seminars for the CST Academy, as well as pursuing research into related topics with
affiliated specialists.
2015 - The Vital Role of the Mitochondria in Anti-Ageing
The mitochondria are the ultimate orchestrators or our cells’ metabolic processes. These tiny
organelles – originally bacteria – are not simply our cellular powerhouses. Multiple pathways
depend on them, including haemoglobin synthesis, hormone production, detoxification, as well as
cell-to-cell signalling and apoptosis. Ensuring the health of our mitochondria and the electron
transport chains within them is the key to healthy ageing. This talk will look at the pathways
involved, whether PGC-1a (responsible for mitobiogenesis – the generation of new mitochondria),
AMPK (our major energy-sensing enzyme), or our sirtuins (a conserved family of de-acylases that
control physiological responses to diet and exercise), and discuss strategies for maintaining/
restoring mitochondrial health throughout our lives.