Paul Clayton
Chairman of the Food Group at the
Royal Society of Medicine
Dr Paul Clayton graduated summa cum laude in Medical Pharmacology from Edinburgh University, prior to obtaining his PhD.
He is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine and a former Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government's Committee on the Safety of Medicines.
He has worked with leading doctors and clinical scientists at centres of clinical expertise in the UK and abroad, and trained the pharmacists in Britain' s largest chemist chain in preventative nutrition.
Dr Clayton lectures in nutrition at the Royal College of Physicians. He frequently presents at and chairs international conferences on nutrition and health.
His books include Health Defence, Food or Pharma and After Atkins.
Dr Clayton designs clinical trials for nutritional therapies at leading
teaching hospitals and lectures widely on nutrition and health. He
has directed TV and radio programmes on health issues, and written
extensively on these topics.
Dr Clayton has recently been appointed as Research Director of Medical
Nutrition Matters, a post-graduate course in Oxford registered
with, and approved by the BMA. Its function is to teach nutrition to
GP's and other health care providers.
2006 - Alzheimer's Disease :pharmaco-nutritional strategies
to maintain the ageing brain
The allopathic approach to AD, which focusses on cholinergic neurotransmission,
has produced toxic and relatively ineffective treatments. Recent work
on the patho-aetiology of the condition has revealed a number of metabolic
errors which all contribute to the overall disease process; including
nitrosative stress and protein malfolding, membrane mal-economics and
insulin-mediated shifts in beta amyloid dynamics.
It is likely that none of these steps is an appropriate single target
for intervention. However, pharmaco-nutritional programmes have been
designed to rectify each one of them, using the known pharmacology of
micro- and phyto-nutrients. Such programmes can be mapped successfully
against the known epidemiology of the condition; and hold out the promise
of effective prophylactic and maintenance therapy.